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National Plum Pudding Day 2024: History, Celebrations, and More

National Plum Pudding Day is observed annually on February 12th in the United States. As the name suggests, this day celebrates the traditional plum pudding dessert. Plum pudding is a classic English dessert dating back to the 14th century that consists of dried fruits, spices, and suet. It is traditionally served during the Christmas season.

National Plum Pudding Day recognizes the culinary history and cultural importance of this classic dessert. It’s a day to enjoy this sweet treat and appreciate the traditions surrounding it.

History and Origins of Plum Pudding

Plum pudding has a very long and rich history. Here is some background on where this dish originated and how it became a holiday staple:

Origins in 14th Century Britain

  • Plum pudding emerged in Britain in the 14th century during medieval times. The first versions were savory puddings containing meat and vegetables.
  • Dried fruits and spices were later added creating a sweeter porridge-like dish. It was called “plum porridge” or “plum pottage”. Dried fruits were referred to as “plums” which is how the name evolved.

Popularized During Victorian Era

  • Plum pudding became popular during the Victorian era in the 19th century as a Christmas tradition. Victorians considered it an essential dish for the holiday season.
  • Recipes started replacing suet with butter to create a richer taste. They also added eggs, breadcrumbs, and brandy or rum for more flavor.

Established Christmas Staple By Mid 19th Century

  • By the mid 19th century, plum pudding had become established as a traditional British Christmas dessert.
  • It was made weeks in advance, allowed to age, then reheated on Christmas day and served flaming with brandy.
  • Traditionally, everyone in the household stirs the pudding batter and makes a wish to bring the family luck.
  • A silver coin was also cooked inside the pudding and whoever found it was said to have good fortune.

Brought to America By Colonists

  • British colonists and immigrants brought plum pudding to America where it also became a staple Christmas dessert.
  • While not as universally popular as in Britain, it still holds holiday significance for many families.
  • American variations added regional ingredients like maple syrup, pumpkin, and nuts.

When is National Plum Pudding Day?

National Plum Pudding Day is observed every year on February 12th.

This places it close to the end of the Christmas season in the United States which typically concludes around early February with the 12th night festivities.

Plum pudding is so synonymous with Christmas that having a food holiday dedicated to it during this time period makes sense. It serves as a final celebration of the dessert before putting away holiday trappings.

The date also falls just before Lent begins which leads into Easter. Traditionally, plum pudding was eaten throughout the Christmas season leading up to Lent when rich foods were often given up for fasting.

How to Celebrate National Plum Pudding Day

There are many delicious ways to take part in National Plum Pudding Day! Here are some ideas:

  • Make a batch of traditional plum pudding from scratch to enjoy on February 12th. Use a classic recipe and serve it with brandy butter sauce.
  • Attend or host a plum pudding party or tasting. This is a great opportunity to sample different plum puddings and flavors.
  • Have a Christmas in February dinner. Cook a full holiday meal and end the dinner with flaming plum pudding for dessert.
  • Try variations like chocolate, maple walnut, or pumpkin plum pudding. Look for new twists on old favorites.
  • Learn about the history behind plum pudding and share its origins at holiday meals or parties.
  • Decorate with holly, wreaths, and other Christmas décor for the occasion. Set the mood to enjoy plum pudding.
  • Make it a plum pudding gift giving day. Give friends and family plum pudding gifts, care packages, or homemade puddings.
  • Support restaurants and bakeries making plum puddings. Order pudding or buy directly from those keeping the tradition alive.
  • Share vintage plum pudding postcards, adverts, and imagery on social media to highlight its history.
  • Use #NationalPlumPuddingDay to post on social media about enjoying and celebrating plum pudding.

Plum Pudding Traditions and Customs

There are many long-held traditions and customs associated with plum pudding:

Making a Wish While Stirring

There is a superstition that the entire family should take turns stirring the plum pudding batter before it is cooked. Each person makes a wish while taking their turn at stirring to bring the household luck in the coming year.

Cooking Silver Coins In the Pudding

Silver coins were traditionally cooked directly into the plum pudding. This was believed to bring financial luck in the new year. Finding the coin also bestowed blessings onto whoever discovered it in their serving.

Lighting the Pudding Ablaze

Before serving plum pudding, it is doused with brandy or rum and set briefly alight. The flaming pudding is then brought to the table for a dramatic presentation. This symbolizes Christmas cheer and the warmth of the holiday season.

Ranging From Firm To Soupy

Plum puddings can range in texture from firm and sliceable to soft and soupy. The softer puddings are known as “soft boil” while firm puddings are called “hard boil”. It is a matter of preference that varies by recipe.

Topping With Brandy Butter

Brandy butter is the traditional accompaniment to plum pudding. The cold, hard sauce provides contrast to the warm, dense pudding. It melts into theSERVE pudding to add rich flavor.

Making Weeks or Months in Advance

Part of plum pudding’s rich taste comes from making it weeks or even months before serving. The flavors have time to fully develop and meld which improves the overall taste.

Interesting Facts About Plum Pudding

Plum pudding has some fascinating history. Here are interesting facts about this iconic dessert:

  • Plum refers to raisins or prunes not actual plums. It comes from an old English word “plum” meaning “pruning” for dried fruits.
  • Adding brandy and flaming it was a Victorian addition. Earlier versions did not flame or contain alcohol.
  • Plum puddings were banned in Britain for a time due to association with pagan holiday traditions that clashed with Christianity.
  • They weighed cannonballs when first invented. Vessels called “pudding cloths” helped hold their round shape while cooking.
  • Christmas pudding was taken to Mount Everest in December 2013 by a team of Sherpas setting a record for enjoying it at the highest altitude.
  • Oliver Cromwell banned Christmas pudding in the 17th century during the Puritan rule seeing it as frivolous excess.
  • The tradition of hiding a coin in the pudding comes from a Scottish legend of the magic Clootie Dumpling that contained treasures.
  • The Guinness Book of World Records biggest plum pudding weighed 926 pounds and was cooked in Australia in 2016 using over 2000 eggs.

Popular Plum Pudding Recipes

There are many different recipes for plum pudding ranging from traditional to innovative flavor twists. Here are some popular recipes to try:

Traditional English Plum Pudding

This is the classic recipe enhanced with brandy, rum, and flaming before serving. It has a dense, rich texture and the medley of dried fruit and spices gives it a signature taste.

Lighter Fresh Fruit Plum Pudding

A lighter version using fresh fruit like plums, cranberries, cherries, and apricots. It has a moist texture and less dense crumb. Perfect for spring or summer.

Maple Walnut Plum Pudding

This recipe adds maple syrup and walnuts to the batter creating sweet nutty undertones. It is nice change of pace for the traditional raisin-citrus flavors.

Chocolate Plum Pudding

For chocolate lovers, this recipe adds cocoa powder and chocolate chips into the mix. The chocolate pairs beautifully with the fruits and spices.

Pumpkin Spice Plum Pudding

Pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice blend add festive fall flavor. Pumpkin provides great moisture while the spices enhance the warming aromas.

Gluten-Free Plum Pudding

Gluten-free plum pudding often uses almond meal, rice flour, or oats to create a tasty dessert that everyone can enjoy.


Plum pudding is a sweet treat with a rich cultural history. National Plum Pudding Day provides the perfect opportunity to celebrate this classic dessert and its traditions. On February 12th, enjoy some plum pudding, learn about its origins and customs, and appreciate this holiday staple. Any time of year, you can use the amazing recipes available to whip up this iconic, yet humble, dish. Plum pudding is the ideal dessert to celebrate the holidays and bring some old fashioned comfort and joy to any meal.

Plum Pudding Day FAQs

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about plum pudding:

What are the key ingredients in plum pudding?

The key ingredients are dried fruit (raisins, currants, prunes or figs), breadcrumbs or oats, eggs, spices, sugar or molasses, suet or vegetable shortening, brandy or rum, and extracts like vanilla or almonds

What’s the difference between plum pudding and Christmas pudding?

Plum pudding and Christmas pudding are names for the same dessert. They can be used interchangeably.

Is plum pudding vegan?

Traditional plum pudding contains suet or animal fat, so is not vegan. However, vegetable shortening can be substituted to create a vegan version.

Can you make plum pudding ahead of time?

Yes, plum pudding can be made weeks or even months in advance. It keeps well refrigerated and the flavors continue to mature.

Should you reheat plum pudding?

Properly stored plum pudding should be reheated before serving. It can be steamed to heat through or heated covered in the oven with a bit of liquor added.

Can you eat plum pudding cold?

While it’s best served warm, you can eat leftover plum pudding cold. The texture will be firmer when cold instead of hot and steaming.

Does plum pudding need to be refrigerated?

Plum pudding should be refrigerated if not being served the same day. This prevents spoilage and keeps it fresh for future use.

How do you reheat plum pudding?

To reheat, steam the plum pudding over a pot of hot water for 15-20 minutes until heated through. You can also reheat individual slices wrapped in foil in a 300°F oven.

How long does plum pudding last?

A properly stored plum pudding will last 3-6 months refrigerated. Freeze for longer storage up to a year. Make sure it’s air tight.

What do you serve with plum pudding?

The classic accompaniment is brandy butter or hard sauce. Custard or ice cream also pair nicely. A sweet wine like port makes a good pairing too.

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