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30 Heartfelt New Year Wishes for Dad in Heaven 2024

The new year is a time we reflect on the past 12 months and look ahead with hope to the year to come. For those of us who have lost our fathers, the emotions can be bittersweet as we cherish our memories while facing another year without their wisdom and warm embrace.

As the clock ticks closer to midnight on December 31, 2023, take a moment to send your love soaring heavenward. Although grieving the loss of your dad leaves an ache no message can heal, these new year wishes are sent with gentleness, empathy and inspiration flowing from one heart to another across the miles between us.

Uplifting New Year Wishes for Dad in Heaven

Here are 30 heartfelt new year wishes for dads who have passed on but remain forever in our hearts.

Remembering You at the Start of 2024

  1. Wishing you were here to toast the new year with me, Dad. I’ll raise my glass to you among the stars tonight and always.
  2. As hard as it is that you’re not here, your spirit lives on inside me. Cheering for a bright 2024 ahead for us both.
  3. Happy heavenly new year to you, Dad! Thanks for watching over me – I feel you there even when days are dark.
  4. Twinkling lights above remind me of you this time of year. Shining down love and luck for wonderful days ahead.



New Year Blessings From Heaven

  1. May God grant you the best views as fireworks burst with color to ring in 2024! Here’s to a stellar year ahead.
  2. Heaven gained the perfect angel when God called you home. May your heavenly 2024 be magnificent!
  3. As the new year dawns, I hope it brings you joy and light, Dad. Keep warmly watching over us from up above.
  4. No matter what 2024 brings, one thing stays the same – your guidance lives on in my heart and soul forever.

Cheers to You, Dad!

  1. Raising my bubbly high to toast you for the new year, Dad! Wish we could be together but I’ll be thinking of you all night.
  2. Who would’ve thought we’d spend new year’s eve worlds apart? But close in spirit, I’ll blow a kiss skyward just for you!
  3. As everyone cheers for the new year tonight, my loudest shouts will be for you, Dad! Love you to infinity!
  4. No noisemakers or confetti can compare to the sparkle of stars. Twinkle brightly as I celebrate you on NYE!

Why I Miss You at New Year’s

  1. Making resolutions isn’t the same without your advice, Dad. But I’ll imagine what wisdom you would’ve given.
  2. Nothing will match your bear hugs on new year’s eve. Wishing so much I could have one as 2023 ticks away.
  3. Who else could I count on for new year’s jokes? Laughter through tears remembering them now as I think of you.
  4. New year’s breakfast with Mom and fireworks on TV won’t feel right if you’re not here with your words of hope for better days ahead.



New Year Wishes From Your Little Girl

  1. No matter how old I get, I’ll always be your little girl dancing on your shoes New Year’s Eve. Happy heavenly holiday, daddy!
  2. Twirling in my party dress NYE, I’ll feel you holding me tight for a daddy-daughter dance among the stars.
  3. Sugar and spice and a new year nice – that’s what little girls are made of! Except me, daddy. Missing your hug so much tonight.
  4. Glittering lights of New Year’s Eve don’t glow half as bright as my memories of us together, Dad. You made the happiest holidays.

New Year Messages From Your Son

  1. Who’s going to sneak a swig of champagne with me or shout loudest as the ball drops? Missing you terribly tonight, Dad.
  2. No one can take your place for guy talks when the clock strikes midnight. Lucky to have the best Dad – even in Heaven for 2024.
  3. Fireworks will burst in glittering colors outside while my heart explodes with loneliness inside without you here.
  4. Even superheroes get sad sometimes, Dad. Wishing so much we could share hot chocolate and our dreams for the new year.

Uplifting Words for the New Year Ahead

As the old year winds down, take comfort in the love that will never fade – memories of joyful times you shared and the imprint your father left within you. Allow those blessings to kindle a spark of peace and hope taking you into the start of 2024 one step at a time.

Finding Light in 2024

  1. Another 365 days where I wish you were here, Dad. But your spirit lifts me up to make you proud.
  2. Milestones ahead without you seem so dim. But love lights the path where I’ll honor you with every step.
  3. In times I ache for all we’re missing, help me feel your warmth in every sunrise flooding my heart with happiness.
  4. Even when I weep, your comforting hugs seem so real. Stay near as I walk bravely towards finding light in 2024.

His Unconditional Love Remains

  1. Not even Heaven could take away your unconditional love still wrapping me in hope on the hardest days, Dad.
  2. Goodbyes hurt most as another new year comes without you. But hello forever in my heart is where your love remains siempre.

As the clock strikes midnight and fireworks paint the skies with dazzling color, find comfort in knowing the love you share with your dad transcends physical separation. Allow your memories and the lessons he taught guide you with grace into the promise of brighter days ahead. When grief leaves an ache no words can soothe, remember his spirit shining within you – now and for all the new years to come.

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