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20+ Inspiring New Year Wishes for Peace in Ukraine in 2024

As the new year 2024 approaches, our thoughts turn to the people of Ukraine who have endured tremendous hardship and loss over the past year. After nearly 12 months of brutal conflict following Russia’s invasion in February 2022, Ukrainians continue to display remarkable courage and resilience.

Yet many challenges still lie ahead on the long road to rebuilding lives, communities and the nation. During the holiday season and into the new year, we send our sincere wishes and prayers for peace, healing and renewal to all those affected by the Ukraine crisis.

New Year Wishes for Peace in Ukraine

For Safety and Security

May bullets stop flying and bombardments end, so that all people in Ukraine can walk the streets without fear again. We wish you security and peace in the new year.

For Comfort and Healing

Comfort for those who have lost loved ones. Healing for the injured and traumatized. We wish the people of Ukraine strength and support to rebuild themselves in 2024.

For Displaced Families

For the millions of Ukrainians displaced from their homes, we wish you safe passage and the warmth of family reunions in the new year ahead.

For POWs and Missing Persons

Freedom and homecoming for every Ukrainian prisoner of war and kidnapped civilian still detained illegally in Russia. We wish for your safe return in 2024.

Wishes for Recovery and Rebuilding

For Ukraine’s Heroes

The new year brings renewed hope. To all those defending Ukraine – the brave servicemen and women, volunteers and helpers – we wish you victory and success in liberating your homeland.

For Children

Laughter and joyful play for Ukrainian children, that they may know life without air raid sirens and return to school without fear in the new year.

For Farmers and Food Security

Blessings over Ukraine’s farmers as they nurture the land. We wish for abundant harvests to feed the nation and exports to support recovery efforts in 2024.

For Displaced People

As millions of Ukrainians seek refuge abroad, we wish you warmth and welcome wherever you rebuild your lives. May your displacement be temporary and 2024 bring you home safely.

For Ukraine’s Infrastructure and Economy

We wish renewed investment, rapid rebuilding and robust growth for Ukraine’s economy in the coming year. May everyday services and utilities be restored across the country.

Wishes for Justice and Peace

For War Crime Trials

Justice for all civilians executed, tortured and forcibly displaced. May Ukraine’s strength reveal the truth and end impunity in 2024.

For Ukraine’s Membership in the EU

We wish for the EU to embrace Ukraine into the European family in 2024, confirming your future of freedom and prosperity.

For Victory and Independence

May Ukraine stand resolute through the winter. We wish for victory, freedom and renewed peace across your land in 2024 and beyond.

For Lasting Peace and Security

When the guns fall silent, may Ukraine’s courage shine like a beacon to deter aggressors forevermore. We wish Ukraine lasting peace and security in the years ahead.

For Global Solidarity

You are not forgotten. As the world rings in 2024, we stand behind you Ukraine. We wish you the hope of better days, buoyed by our solidarity.


Though the path ahead remains filled with obstacles, the determination and resilience of the Ukrainian people sparks hope that peace will come in 2024 if the nation stays the course. As we enter the new year, we send our love, support and respect along with these heartfelt wishes for Ukraine’s healing. When renewal emerges out of their hardships, may it be a blessing first for Ukrainians and then for us all.

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